
@maximilian_ Breaks Down the Latest Famitsu Article

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Maximilian Dood reports the newest information that was learned from yesterday's Famitsu article about SoulCalibur VI. Motohiro Okubo talks to Famitsu about returning mechanics and the goals the development team has for the gameplay. Max also speculates what guest characters may be coming into the game. Check out Max's reaction to the news in the video below!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec et quam ut nibh iaculis facilisis at ut ex. Phasellus sem magna, pharetra non nisi nec, tincidunt porttitor ante. Cras dapibus, est id finibus efficitur, eros mi pellentesque dolor, ac ultrices odio arcu id tellus. Morbi nisl metus, imperdiet vitae pharetra et, mattis ut nunc. Pellentesque consequat, lorem eu ultricies porta, metus est gravida mauris, vitae ullamcorper lacus nisi in neque. Nullam at ex convallis, dictum lectus ullamcorper, dictum ex. Integer accumsan nulla a tellus vulputate, non laoreet orci consectetur. Sed efficitur est commodo felis efficitur accumsan. Ut in lacinia sem. Proin dignissim vestibulum dapibus. Suspendisse aliquet, sem id vehicula semper, mi lacus lobortis lacus, in rutrum velit enim a nibh.

Four New Characters Revealed!
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Last night, Namco had a press event in San Francisco. At this event, they revealed four upcoming characters for SOULCALIBUR VI. In addition to the expected staples of Nightmare, Xianghua and Kilik... we also got our first look at a brand new character: Grøh.

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Since SOULCALIBUR VI takes place before other titles in the series, there remains some questions about a few of the characters in this trailer. Obviously with Nightmare and Kilik. Are Siegfried and Nightmare still one person? Is Kilik currently being possessed by the Kali-Yuga; though he appears to be wearing the Dvapara-Yuga. Screenshots to follow.