2K2 Soulcalibur1 Kayane (Xianghua) VS Fetz (Taki)

Wow, indeed 10 year old Kayane is DAMN good. My son has been playing since he was 8 and I hope one day he can be as successful as Kayane. In fact I have vids of me and him playing on my profile, and hes about 10 years old.

Good stuff Kayane. I bet you were an adorable 10 year old!
Good memories, thank you :)
Kayane is so awesome she could play touhou WITH A DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION PLATFORM.
44B was the boss in this game.
Lol, it's sad when this game seems sooooo much more fluid then SCV.
How many years later and SC1 still looks so good


May 7, 2012 at 8:55 PM
Posted by Norik
I can't believe Kayane was this good when she was 10 years old. In fact, I can't believe ANY 10-year old is this good, pure talent indeed.
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