NR 3A is -20 on GRD
Lol Akira fell for that?? What's NM's 3a on block??
Yeah Rawpickles. My reaction was like this "Cool, I caught him with 3A during charged bullrush...wait this totally beats JG'ing it" > "Whoa, I suppose 3A is a good against wakeup" > "Lol sweet, this worked 3 times straight." > "Omg.. it actually worked 4 times straight.. there's no way it's gonna work a 5th time right? > "Dammit he blocked the 5th 3A"
He could always just.... step the other way..... but it was funny to see that work almost 4 straight.
Can you can delay 1 A just a bit after 3 A and get a nice tech trap :P?
from now on every asta I play, I'm just gonna 3A their ass


Mar 1, 2015 at 9:44 PM
Posted by LockDownZ
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