lol, well now you know how fast the squeak is.
Nope, no metronome in the background. That's my ceiling fan. It squeaks.
actually 120bpm, why do you ask ?
If you mean the beeping, it sounds like 110 bpm
is that a metronome i hear in the background? If so, what's it set to?
There are other nasty tech traps after the shoulder like a:g:B and B+K for right and left techs.
He's a machine, IAB, watch in awe at his punishment vids o____o
@Bushindu Yea, I included some of those.


@Robin Says in the description that this isn't exhaustive and that I missed JFs. And thanks.
Nice, but most of these you can find by looking at setsuka tech traps. cant watch all, but did you include an 2143A+B ?


Jul 4, 2013 at 12:55 AM
Posted by IAdoreBunnies
Can someone say...BROKEN? A few things. This video is by NO MEANS exhaustive. Also, because I'm not a robot like WOAHZZ, I can't land every single JF whenever I want, so you will notice that some of the combos that attempted JF twister or 1B:B could have done more damage. I've had a list of all of these for a few months. I just wanted to be the first one to do them at some tournament. And I also didn't want anyone doing them on me! These tech traps are hereby patented by IADOREBUNNIES. I don't wanna see WOAHZZ, LP, DABROS, or that other French player using this! And if anyone uses them on me in a tournament, they are AUTOMATICALLY disqualified! NOW, if you want to use them, you'll have to PAY me first. THANK YOU.
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