Clash of the Titans - WolfLoneThe vs Maxou

Loryuo: You can JG anything after a whiffed GI, it just has strict timing. The only thing with CEs is that you can place your GI at any point during its animation so you might as well go for it. Its guaranteed if you don't.
how did you manage to just guard that GI into CE? that was amazing.
I think he mains Voldo now. I'm not sure why he changed but I'm pretty sure he has.
Nice fights, but i wonder why Maxou played with Voldo. I fought both his Voldo and A Pat. once and his Pat was much better imo.
...aaand that's why Pat needs a meter gain nerf. Pat player had reads that were marginally better yet the victory was no small, marginal win.

Nice strat on both sides though. Very competent.


May 1, 2014 at 6:55 PM
Posted by WolfLoneThe
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