Comeback Compilation Episode 38 ( BEST OF chapter II )

Its cool, but try to put some Soul Calibur next time. 90% of this video is Street Fighter and other Capcom stuff. It makes me sick.
very cool video and well put together. i think the music changes and sound bites ruin it a little though


Mar 26, 2014 at 10:11 AM
Posted by LiangHuBBB
4 years ago I started a series which was called Comeback
4 years later this series has reached 38 episodes.
It's been almost 2 years since the last BEST OF comeback
compilation video.
Today I've compiled the second BEST OF CC which does
feature some of the most amazing, entertaining and funniest
comebacks that happened during the last 2 years +
many new ones.

Thanks for watching &
Never give up!
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