Death By Katars: Voldo block punishment guide: Pyrrha(info in the description)

because i couldnt fine a good picture of pyrrha
Why is the thumbnail of Oprah when this is for Pyrrha? God fucking dammit, Cooly.
For 66B+K, just duck the second hit and punish.


Dec 21, 2013 at 12:51 PM
Posted by coolcmcgee
(note all moves punishable by 66B are also punishable by 666B)
AK-14: 6B or AA
3A -14: 6B AA will whiff
1A -22: 66B, , or CE
1AA -22: 66B, CE, 2BB, 1K
4AA -22: refer to 1A for punishing
4AAA -22: refer tp 1AA for punishing
4AB -14: 6B or sidestep second hit and punish accordingly
6BK -14: 6B
2BB -20: 66B, 1K, can sidestep second hit
3KK -16: 66B can sidestep second hit
2K: -14: 2A
1K -15: 6B
WR {A+B} smack her out of this.if you get hit by this just put the controller down and walk away
B+KB -20: refer to 2BB for punishing
2B+KBBBB -16: 66B
11AA -14: 6B
33B -14: 6B
22B -18: 66B, 1K
22BA -40: you can punish this with 4A+B
22BAK -60: like i said 4A+B
11/44B -14: 6B
44KA -16: 66B,
44KAB -16: sidestep and punish accordingly
66B+KAB -16: 66B, or sidestep after second hit
RUN K -22: FC3B, 66B, CE
66B Brave Edge: Just Guard second hit and punish with 6B (if you cant just guard use 8A+K to avoid the guard damage)
CE -20: 66B, 1K

Angel Step
A -18: 66B, 1K
AA -16: 66B
AA Brave Edge: Just guard the third hit for a 6B punish. or sidestep to her left
B -18: 66B, 1K( i prefer 1K unless i am near the ring edge)
K -27: 66B, CE( wouldn't recommend doing CE unless her back is to a wall/ring edge will whiff if too far)
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