コーハツ 第1回ソウルキャリバー3AE大会(2016年)

I'm really enjoying all of these SC3 AE matches! It's nice to see my favorite SC game still be played at such a high level somewhere, really makes me wish there were some more feasible way of playing this game in the US.
Double elims, has Arutenight (Sig) VS Sarusabe (Asta) at about 16:00.
They are both still goin strong in this game.
Spoiler alert- Congrats to Arutena!
The comp lasts a little under 1hr and then they have some freeplay VS.

Kohatsu (in Osaka) is having SCIIIAE a few times a month again:
Their YouTube:

Thanks for putting this up (Kohatsu and Project Bokuho)!


Aug 30, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Posted by Project Bokuho
No description available.
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