I saw the "astaroth is op" comment and stopped reading them.
The BE wasn't followed with air throw, because i had a brainfart. So just a stupid mistake. ^^
I think maybe it was the taunt that set off the saltiness but that's just imo. It's bad enough when you're beat to a pulp without salt in the wounds and some players hate taunts. But meh :/
my question is.. (at 48ish)...Why wasn't that BE followed up by an air throw?
I don't get the salt thing. people are always going to justify their losses, whether internally or formally and ths ezio player, as scrubbish as he was, is right imo that asta is OP. I just don't see why he assumes you think yourself godly, but your sly responses do make you seem unlikeable. Apparently this did deserve that much analysis!
>japanese ezio
Why does that exist


Jun 22, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Posted by Ruucsa
You need sumthing else with ur salt sir?? You take games too seriously?!?
He doesn't like losing.....
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