one of the better maxi ive seen but still a fun match to watch between the characters
@Hot Rod Dave You can't on reaction. da fuck did you get away with stepping dat CE after his 1B:B? I didnt know you could step his CE.

Or were you in the process of stepping already before it came out? (thats my guess)
Lol thanks, yeah Maxi was one of my mains early on but he's more of a backup for me now.
Holy JG's on reaction batman. Wish my JG skills were better.

I didnt even know you played maxi. Good shit yall
IAB your online trash, you turtle, and you play ivy who is brain dead.


Jun 16, 2013 at 5:18 PM
Posted by Menace
A fun game i had with Saion, ggs mang.
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