The Jaxel Power Hour - Episode 03 - 3D Fighter Popularity

The community would have consistently showed up for SCV if it was what the community expected - AN IMPROVED VERSION OF SCIV NOT A TOTALY DIFFRENT GAME - in other words SCIV's Next LVL - not a game with 1/2 the OG roster some new Wierdo's and dumbed down mechanics - If SC wants to survive they need to stick with there roots - they made this same mistake with SCIII and lost allot there strong following - SC needs to find a flavor and improve on it with every installment not change the flavor completely. 3D's Also need to release Titles on more of a regular basis not every 5yrs- I don't care if the game is only slightly different from past installments - slap a new skin on it add like 2 more characters and new stages just make sure it can be looked at as new and its all good - That's what SF dose why cant we
I also no longer play SCV the shift from SCIV the shift was .... ehh no comment
Nice to see Jaxel taking it to the next lvl again - I still hate all 2D's - 3D's will always reign supreme with me
Good stuff. I would refrain from saying phrases like "crunching the numbers" because nothing puts people off more than making them believe they have to do math. I don't think of the math. It's more "punish intensive."


Feb 22, 2013 at 6:20 PM
Posted by Sp1d3r
In this video, Jaxel discusses "Why are 3D fighting games not as popular as 2D?" This video brought to you by!

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