The Twisting Blade of Solitude (Cursed Blood)

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Dec 10, 2016 at 12:42 PM
Posted by AmyIntwined
"For better or worse, this sword is my fate..."
— Ivy

A tribute to one of the strongest Female Fighters of the "Soulcalibur" series of fighting games by Namco Bandai. I've created this tribute in honor of Ivy's birth month, December, as well as birthday (Dec. 10). Not only was this a birthday tribute, but it also honors the 20th Anniversary of the Soul series as a whole. Being a huge fan, as I am, I wouldn't have dared to pass upon an opportunity as great as this. Enjoy.

-The Artwork presented in this video are credited by all of the artists within her development team, it is an honor to present such beautiful work. They are forever my inspiration for Art, "Style wise".

-The Cutscenes presented in this video are credited to the rightful owners/uploaders.
Character (c) Namco Bandai & Project Soul
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