I'm not really seeing any problem here, though the ringouts were kinda cheap of him I suppose.
But honestly 1b isn't that hard to block nor is is that fast of a move.
From what I could tell he just used it when there was an opening.
Anyway, the video was cute. XD
scrubs can hit me with 1B, but i cant hit scrubs 1B. "wats that? 1B is supposed to track? NOT FOR YOU!!"
Slade's right - I played Silent Joel's Siegfried in a FT10 recently (10-1, yay Alpha!) and the only round he took was a kill with SCH K BE, WHICH I FUCKING STEPPED >_>
You think that's bad you should see the tracking on WR B. I've also been hit by SCH K BE and SBH B while completely behind him. If that's what he was like in the alpha builds for every move I can see why they murdered the tracking on most of his moveset.
Nice to see lewymorry is well known, he had a go at me for using Pyrrha Omega because she is clearly broken.
1B is one of siegfrieds last moves that still has some tracking to it. Its -16 so just block and punish.
Also please don't call him sigfred :'(
Haha lewymorry. I just played him the other day and got called a noob, faggot, spammer. Good times.
Now you see the G button's TRUE POWER!!!
Lol @ Lewymorry.
Ah this guy....


Jul 5, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Posted by Sett
Cowboys -__-

Fuck his 1B

Link to YouTube video
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