YOUTUBE NAB Soul Calibur 5 ptom fix SD PEGI v01

I think the coolest thing about it is that it seems like Soul Calibur tries to possess Sieg in the same way Soul Edge did, but with crystals over his right arm. Then he throws it off in the end too and kills Nightie on his own.
Woah! It's look's like Start of Siegfried Story Mode ^^
The most bad ass Soul Calibur cut scene I have ever seen.....
sexy music is sexy :3
but this is kinda an underwhelming trailer in my opinion.... though it DOES give a decent look as to what story mode will look like.
Hopefully this game actually has a good story mode.


Dec 6, 2011 at 4:18 PM
Posted by Ninjaguy446
Umm, I'm not sure if I can post this because it's not my youtube but, whatever. It's the new story mode trailer! :D
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