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  • I *just* saw RoF results. So you're now like a new SC God or something? :) Congrats, you really deserved it.
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    Reactions: Age_of_Truth
    Thank you. Yes I am 100% SC God. That or Leixia is OP. Are you still playing the game? Gonna be at EBO?
    I don't know yet. It would be great to meet the players again, but I haven't been playing since ... December 2012 I think? Damn, time flies fast. How's the UK scene?
    That is a long long time. Probably not quite long enough for the rest of us to catch up with you though. UK scene is dead but we have a few very good players now, and WolfLoneThe is one of the best players in the world.
    I'm late on this but congratulations on your win at RoF!
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    Reactions: Age_of_Truth
    Its fine, Leixia is my secondary anyway. I know now i should use AA more. Delay it for a BE etc. I was considering on going to RoF since i was already travelling overseas during April and May but i would've been out of practice lol. I'll make it to an international tournament one day. Keep it up.
    Yep AA is the OP attack in Lex's arsenal. It's a shame you didn't make it, having come all this way! But travelling is certainly about more than playing videogames lol.
    Yeah I know. There were other things in the way of me going but it doesn't matter now. :(
    Congratulations, I was rooting for you! You played great and you deserved it. :)
    I would love to see you at EBO soon.
    I agree with Kalas, your victory at ROF #3 well deseved win. I think you would have also won if Viola was allowed. The best Leixia in EU, unlike Kalas who had to ban Viola from EBO 2012 & EBO 2014.
    Thank you Kalas, I really do appreciate it, it was really awesome to have support from each and every player who offered it. Maybe I can come to EBO, it would be great, as you well know I love this tournament.
    And yes Frayhua, I would have won even if Viola was allowed, after all it is a 10-0 matchup in Lex's favour so I would've won without looking at the screen. I don't know if I am best Lex in EU, but I like the character and enjoy competing with her.
    Heyho! How are you?
    Have you heard the German news? EBO will be back this August. :)
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