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  • Hey man. Saw you on the forums today and said "I havent talked to him in a while". Just thought Id say.....what up up?!
    Ahhh, good ol HRD. Not much really. Just working and taking care of my son. He will be 2 in January (kid is a pain in the fucking ass). Just waitin on that SC 5 to drop and i will be playing that non-stop. I bought an arcade stick about this time last year so i'm pretty excited but i didnt even get much time on it yet.
    Wow so thats where youve been. Im so very happy for you. A child that is yours really does something to your life that is fan-fucking-tastic. Im really excited for you. You gotta name it Dave Hope mamma and baby come out safe and sound. Im sure your nervous as hell. try to keep it together, and be there for your wife and new baby!!

    As for me, everything is pretty good. Cant complain. Complaining just doesnt help anything anyway. lol. You take care of yoruself and let me know when the baby gets here. A pic or to is essential or it didnt happen....LOL

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