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  • I saw you and ZOMBIEBEAR666 have a match he you just raged quit in the middle of Zombiebear's grapple, PWND!!
    xD. did you just say you where the best at SC4? ROFLMAO. denial at its best...

    if i ever saw you on ranked id stock you the whole day.

    xD he thinks hes the best with nobody's on hes list. if you ever see this. send me a message ( Chaos1x ). ill show you how good you're not.

    i dont mean to hate. i dont know maybe your really the best but since i have never played or heard about you and all the people you beat i highly highly highly doubt it.
    wait who the hell is asaba? also he hasn't been on since last year. also what is that list of random people nobody knows of? also 99.9%? LOL i guess you were short on pulling the plug 8 times? what a joke this is. +++points for the well done troll, though.
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