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  • Where are you? We haven't played in ages!
    That's sad, i though russia was very active, you had all these online tournaments and challenges, it died again so quickly?

    I might switch to XBL, PSN is dead all the good players left.

    Im trying to learn Guilty Gear, have you ever tried 2Ds?
    I suck so bad! haha Btw what's the biggest Game in russia? Tekken? SF?
    Well if you really want to lets play a bit Im sort of interested but little challenge. Also add Nano-Dante (or Brandon_Ru) he is a very good Maxi player who is currently top 5 in russia
    By little challenge I didnt mean you lol I meant I want to play but dont have many ppl to play right now))
    Are you planning to play SC2HDO? If so, please let me know if you are interested in moderating the Mitsu SA. You've always been one of the best SA mods here.
    I wont play SC2HDO and I dont plan on moderating forums here anymore, unless SCVI come out. I just dont visit often enough.
    Hey why didn't you come? You couldn't make it? And why'd you give up the game? I thought you loved it? Is it because with the FR community turning its back on SCV, you figured you wouldn't be able to play enough good players to make it worthwhile?
    I have some issues with the game but it does no good to constantly complain. And I don't think a patch is possible because everyone has different opinions on what needs to change.
    If you like the game - play it. you dont - dont play. its simple. Going around spreading despair aint helping anyone or anything. Thats all I was trying to say.
    Yes you're right. I've had the same arguments with people about another game (Mass Effect 3). People will spend every day logging in to the forums just to whine about how bad it is every single day, and repeat the same tired shit. It drove me nuts. Now I just stay away from those forums.
    Why Leixia players don't like it when I'm stating a fact that LEIXIA IS TOO GOOD?
    cuz it would take their last excuse of "why Im losing" away?
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