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  • yo. Hit me up if you ever wanna get some SC games in. I've been without an xbox for a few weeks now and i'm starting to get soul calibur withdrawals.
    Yo GATOR, we've played online a couple times and I realised we are in the same area. I'm on your friends list as LetThereBeMETAL. I've heard you're looking for some more offline play and seen you've been playing a lot of SF4 lately too. maybe we can get some sessions of both games in sometime?
    Get a job and buy a mic jabroni!!! Lol! Damn white boys always lolly gagging around and never keeping up with their responsibilities or what's important. Meh, I'm having issues with my internet anyway so I probably won't be on live for another week. You know I'll get at you (with a few insults of course) when I get back on. Holla!
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