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  • I'm just never going enter that guy's threads ever again, he gets cranky over nothing.
    I'm gonna go troll in the new members section forum just so you can have some fun on your job... NOW!! >:D just kidding!
    But I like slacking off so it's cool. Things will probably pick up when the SC II re-release hits. You have my permission to chase the new people around with your katana then :D.

    I was imagining what one person trolling an empty room would look like, lol. Then I started to wonder what you'd call one person trolling by themselves? (Besides crazy, lol) A trolliloquy?
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    Ishimaru Jinrai
    ^ LMFAO!! xDD Yeah, I can sit int he room holding a mirror and insult myself. Then if anyone enters, I just turn around and look at them before rushing the door screaming "U mad BRAH?! U maaaad?!" As the door slams in my face...

    You hear me banging on the other side of the door... "Man... holy crap, crazy troll in that room, call a mod!" lol
    Lol, you are an oddball, and I like that :D. Love the scenario you cooked up, lol. As for that door, we will not be opening it, lol, instead we'll brick it up but leave a slot for food. What you do with your poop however is *your* problem :D.
    Hi there! Just dropping in to remind/pester you about voting and supporting SCV in the Fall Classic poll by oneframelink! Simply retweet this message and you're done! If you do not have a twitter please take five minutes of your day to make one! You don't even need to bother with the account again afterwards! If you have already voted, then thank you!!
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