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  • Oh man, you moved to Texas?? I just saw that SC2O works on the Xbone now, and remembered all the good times I had getting my butt kicked at SC4, haha.

    All right man, it's time to make our own Soul Calibur game since Namco is too lazy to do it themselves. Just need to find some world-class artists, graphics engine programmers, and game designers..
    Hello! I was directed to your profile from Xyerith because I inquired who are some good/competive SC5 Players around my area (I'm in Helotes/San Antonio, Texas)
    Hey man sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately I'm a ways away from there as I actually live in Houston (these non-Texans just dont realize how big we are here lol) There used to be some guys who played from out that way but haven't seen them around for some time. You should try the regional matchmaking thread and maybe you might get a response.
    It is looking like we might have a gathering here some time in the future so if that takes place and you're interested I'll let you know and by all means you're more than welcome.
    Oh my so sorry, I just noticed you responded! x) and hmm RMT? have a link to it? And that sounds groovy! I have a good friend in H-town so yet another reason to go up there or whatever lol
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