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  • Just because someone doesn't play a character doesn't mean they don't know anything about them... You should know that basic fact. I have to know about all the characters just to have knowledge of the match up. Apparently that just isn't true. Oh well... I'm going to just shut my mouth. If you feel inclined please educate me about Leixia. I would love to know what you could teach me.
    I was actually looking to sub Leixia but all the people in the SA where a put off. I like mix up characters, she seemed interesting. All I was trying to do was offset the negativity in the thread but everyone got mad at me.
    wait were you the one that told everyone to stop whining or something. that wasn't the best way to calm people down if you were. adding fuel to the fire as they say. but if you are interested in Leixia and have a PSN i'm sure Leixia2012 and I would be glad to give you pointers. but you got to understand Leixia players frustration when it came to their character getting nerfed like mad.
    I do understand. When SCV first came out and all the Sieg players where playing him like he was SCIV Sieg plus being crap because of safe backdash. Sieg was pretty crap before 1.02 imo. I have XBL though, I wish I had a PS3. Also, my wording sucked ass in that thread. I had a conversation with Age of Truth about it. The complaining was just driving me nuts. I'm sorry about that.
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