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  • Hi Malek this is JAG. If you read this then i want you to know that I considered your offer regarding Clash of Titans Nr.2 and i might want to participate. Is it still possible? Where do I have to register? CU!
    Yoooo! I told Kayane (when she was at Sporko's apartment during EVO week) to tell you that "Khent says hello", but I don't know if she remembered or even understood me. So hello!

    P.S. - I mess around with Ivy as a secondary, but I absolutely stink with her.
    Hey man! First of all - good luck at Cannes this weekend! Second - could you please put me in touch with Asenka or someone else involved in running the tournament, I have a really good last second tournament sponsorship idea.
    Don't know yet about balance. And I have no news about Zasa unfortunately, but already asked about him.
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