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  • Yo. Don't mean to bug you at all, but I wanted to hear your opinion on all the SCV QQs going on right now with the lack of community support etc; especially since the recent commentary kinda bugged me. You seem to remain solid so I was wondering what you thought on all this; is it justifyable, all that shit. Nice games btw. Looking forward to seeing you NEC if you're going.
    I dont even play the game at all . I would if there was a scene and ttt2 didnt come out. I won that tourny with no practice besides playing in a tourny a month earlier in iowa. I havent played since a few weeks before ttt2 came out. Game is basically dead which sucks.
    I have always been better than you, Ill be waiting for You any time
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    Reactions: RedDjinn and Azazel
    You have never been better than me. You scrubbed me out with online 1a tactics in 4. If thats what you consider winning then you should just kill yourself. I wish you were at evo. I would of gladly played you for any amount. Lolo told me straight up that im much better than you.
    And you gotta realize, I didnt even give myself the mitsu of america title. All the other top players told me that I was hands down.
    need rematch from my last defeat from ya grr
    Alright. I wont be around till later this week. I havent played in 2 weeks either.
    dam hit me up though. me and u play almost alike! our cervantes was GOING at it bro!
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