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  • Metallix, sorry for the long waiting time. I've been trying to get things together the past year. Would you still like to play some online Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for PS3 if you still have it?
    Wow... could it be that someone else here is as old as I am? I also played Siegfried in SE/SB. But then had a rather long vacation from fighting games altogether until I got SC5.
    I still have SE/SB and the other games within the series. Just missing NGC and XB SC2, SC: BD for PSP.
    Der Lindwurm
    Der Lindwurm
    I kind of wish I'd kept my first PS just so I could play Soul Blade some more.
    "i hope those of you are happy with destroying what little faith/hope i had left in humanity!"
    Metallix, do you play Tekken Tag Torunamnent 2 on PS3? I may not be great at all at the game, but I remember your post for Tekken Hybrid.
    I know Metallix personally hwang24, I will let her know your interest in wanting to play with her in the game on PSN.
    Awesome, Pouncer.
    ‎::knows people in Madison,WI are going to not want to be around me/forget/not care about my birthday (July 1st)
    5. They cared, helped, bend over backwards (still are) that QsB when she/her ex-fiancee broke up on 3/7/2010, when she was stripped and banned from judging regionals in the game store store. Ex: Anduril (is one of those people).
    6. On 7-8-2012 (4th anniversary of my great aunt Rosa's passing/during the same week when I had to choose between not going or going to WCQ that year (after 6yrs of trying).
    Still sounds like you should talk to someone about whatever it is you're feeling. Not even necessarily the people involved, just so it doesn't. Drive you crazy.
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