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  • I finally got PSN lol @Dakota_Racine we should play sometime should have a solid connection.
    Dakota Racine
    Dakota Racine
    Since 2009 :)
    Dakota Racine
    Dakota Racine
    Ggs dude
    Do you play in tournaments and stuff? Where and how do you practice and hone your skill if you don't play online? This game has like no scene in Vancouver isn't it?
    By the way, half way across I had like 1 bar with you and then I got d/c'ed and kicked out of the lobby. Funny thing is I d/c with Canadians more often than I d/c with Americans. It's weird, we are practically neighbors.
    One of the few Vancouverites on here. You still play Soul Calibur V?
    Dakota Racine
    Dakota Racine
    Damn :/ maybe we could play offline one of these days. Not much of a Soul Calibur scene out here but a lot of people play Tekken tag, Street fighter and Marvel.
    I don't have a converter for my stick :\ this is like the only fighting game I know. even though I do own ttt2 and doa5u, I never play them.
    Dakota Racine
    Dakota Racine
    You could always use pad. :) But it would be a bitch coming from PS3 controller to Xbox.
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