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  • I'm a tad worried about VI as I think about how many cut characters they will possibly regulate to DLC. After V that's a very risky move imo
    Crash X
    Crash X
    If SCVI were to made and published by Capcom I think everyone would bet money that half of the roster would be DLC, especially after they botched SFV with it feeling rushed.
    So happy to see SCVI announced. Curious to see what kind of modes and roster we'll be getting now.
    I am still skeptical about this. I won't believe a thing until I see the words "Soul Calibur 6" on a stage screen. I hope it's real :<
    Crash X
    Crash X
    You have every right to be. Currently all I can say about this is that it's tough to swallow, especially considering that the leaks say that the story is going to be a big focus.
    Lol I just got that feeling where I want to believe, but I have this doubtful feeling in the back of my head that's telling me not to get hyped just because I've been let down before. But it's so hard not to get excited at the thought of Soul Calibur coming back! Also that story focused bit has me worried... I guess we just have to be patient and wait.
    Hey uh... any opinions on Soul Calibur 2 HD Online? I'm looking for a new Soul Calibur Fix and all I can think of is buying 4 on my PS3...
    Dolphin has pretty great netplay thanks to smash players. look at the getting_started tab of this discord for a guide on how to get it set up
    the other thing I will say; is that, without converters, hooking up PS3 pads to your computer is a complete hassle. So unless you have the necessary drivers and know how to install them correctly, you're gonna have bad times with PS3 pads
    Crash X
    Crash X
    Don’t bother with HDO. It’s a waste of your time and money, and the netcode is SC4 levels of bad.
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