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  • Hi Noodalls...I have a question for you, if I record a CRT screen with a video camera at 60fps, and i press A on my arcade stick that is being recorded too, taking the frame of the button press in the arcade like "frame 0" many frames pass until 'A' apears con the CRT screen? in SCV?
    I did the test in a CRT TV via component cables, and went like this:
    Frame 0 : button press
    Frame 1 : Nothing
    Frame 2 : Nothing
    Frame 3 : Nothing
    Frame 4 : Nothing
    Frame 5 : 'A' apears on screen.
    you can make a test please, to see if you obtail the same results??
    I don't actually have a good answer to this. The equipment I used to use has unfortunately died, so I've got no way to test it anymore. But even when I did, I found it quite hard, as often on one frame the LED I had connected to a button would be half on and half off, and when the input appeared on the screen it would be half displayed and half not.

    I.e. hard to draw definitive conclusions.
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