Not a Peacock
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  • i really wish bucket was better. he's one of my favorite supports, but offers some of the least useful support
    Not a Peacock
    Not a Peacock
    Bucket is very useful when running teams with Laz. Assault, Trapper and Bucket can lay down impressive offense while Laz camps in the back. Corpse-camping is also tremendously easier when you have five sentries shooting at the monster.
    i think my main gripe is with the UAV. it's neat and all, but i'd prefer something else for support. let the trapper find the monster
    Not a Peacock
    Not a Peacock
    I thought the UAV was an odd choice, too. But it really does fit well with Bucket's design. Bucket's primary role is to support and he does so with his sentries and UAV. Take away his UAV and Bucket becomes a 2nd-rate assault with invisibility.
    sauce on avatar pls
    Not a Peacock
    Not a Peacock
    I do not know. There was some random shmuck who had this as his icon so I stole it.
    All reverse image search turns up are other people using it as their avatars. Means it's most likely a crop of a larger image.
    Not a Peacock
    Not a Peacock
    I'm sure we will find it.
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