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  • I may have missed the awesome CAS games for SCV, but I'm sure as hell not missing it for SCVI!
    I can't wait for Taki to be revealed in SCVI. I swear I'm going to be the first to make her new art my avatar.
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    Reactions: Frayhua
    I wouldn't be so sure about that.
    Hey I didn't know you were from Seattle. When the time comes and the game actually does come out, if you want some offline competition let me know. I know quite a few guys out there that will wanna have some sessions. I ran the scene out there for 4 years and I still have a lot of contacts out there, stand up kind of guys overall. I can get you in contact with them.
    Wow, the 8WR board is actually active and filled with discussion, and we're (hopefully) getting a new Soulcalibur game. I must be dreaming.
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