Vice Hannyabal
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  • I just realized that i was able to beat both players who were in the last tournaments finals. I could be the best player ever ;-)
    90 % of all online players can't show some respect. After 20 losses in a row they still think they are better and call you a scrub, spammer
    this is usually the case when playing scrubs...rather than accept defeat and show respect to someone who clearly bests them, Simply refusing to actually learning the game and trying improve, they resort to ignorance and stupidity, blaming everyone else for 'their' losses...I just try to avoid them as much as possible
    Vice Hannyabal
    Vice Hannyabal
    It was on ps3 but it is not much different on xb360. Zero's comment is 100 % true unfortunately.
    I know exactly how you feel Hannya.
    There was a phase where I was playing with this group of people and they wouldn't let me use Nightmare, so I saddled up with Aeon. For weeks all I got was abuse thrown at me. Not one of them could beat me...scratch that they couldn't even lay a finger on me, despite the fact I was just starting to learn yh after all that I got called everything and worse...
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