soul calibur

  1. K

    Hey dudes let’s keep the hype for sc6 on psn!!!!

    Hello soul calibur family... If you have time. Plz Join our “Soul Calibur 6 Reborn” Community via PSN Communities. With your ps4 or mobile...I mainly want soul calibur players or players who are very interested in the series to join. Where we can have player matchmaking, sessions and share...

    New And Looking For Good Players

    Hello people. Back when soul calibur 5 came out i can tell a lot more people played this game. but now i guess scv have died down a little. I know cause i play everyday online. I really like playing with good players, even if i lose i still like a challenge and thats what im looking for. This is...
  3. Vermilingus

    Some Speculation RE: the 20th Anniversary and SC6

    Expect this to be long and rambly, it is mostly wild speculation but I thought I'd throw it into the ring. So as we know all we've been getting regarding Soul Calibur 6 up until this point is essentially a bunch of teasing with no real substance. We also know that Namco have paid attention to...
  4. Tagashi M

    Looking for Xbox live SCV players

    looking for ppl to play the game with, really want to get back into SCV. add me or message me for games. ill try and reply and play some games when im off work. Gamer tag is: Kurse Reload