1 year Xbox Live card for only $36


Team Ceddy Bear! ♥
I got it for free at my job and I simply need the money more then I do the card. n_n;
The regular costing price at your local GameStop would be about $50,but I'm just selling it for $36. Any takers?
[For Sale!] 1 year Xbox Live card for only $36

I'll be willing to take it off your hands :) Do you want to do the whole shipping thing or would you rather we just hand it off at the next meet we meet up? I can also handle shipping too if you'd like... just PM me or, even better, e-mail ^_^
[For Sale!] 1 year Xbox Live card for only $36

I'll be willing to take it off your hands :) Do you want to do the whole shipping thing or would you rather we just hand it off at the next meet we meet up? I can also handle shipping too if you'd like... just PM me or, even better, e-mail ^_^
Do you think you can paypal me the money and I give you the code over through pm?
If that's not duable then yeah,we can definitely do the exchange at the next gathering at banes. =]