8WR General Directory


Holy Moly
Hello all, and welcome to the 8WR General Directory.

The purpose of this thread is to direct newer players in the right direction by having all important information accessible in one post. So without further adieu...

New to competitive Soul Calibur? At a loss for all the 66B 236A jargon? Look no further:

This video will explain the basics:

Or you can head over to these threads and read up about it:
Basic Notations and Terminology thread
Gameplay System Info
Advanced Techniques
The Calibur Primer

Looking for a match on PSN? Can't find anyone on XBL? Check out the matchfinder threads below if you are looking for a challenge:
PSN Matchfinder
XBL Matchfinder
PSN/XBL Online Player List

With online play you have to know that there are some major differences between it and offline play. Check out this thread for some of said differences:
Online Play Facts and Basics

Need some help learning some of the mechanics in the game and have nobody in your area to help out? Check here:
[PSN/XBL] New Player Development Matchmaking

If your looking to get some games in with people in your area, this is your place:
Regional Matchmaking

Trying to level up your game? Looking for some new combos to add to your arsenal? Check out the SC5 tactics area here:
SC5 Tactics/Soul Arenas

If your looking for some match videos and can't find them in the threads above, this sub forum will be sure to have them:
Game Video Distribution

Like reading about each character's story? Looking for character specific frame data? Check out the wikis here:

Don't forget to visit http://www.8wayrun.com/chat/ either, inside you will find plenty of people to answer your inquiries or just have a good talk.

Feel free to post any questions if your looking for help, I'm sure everyone would be happy to happy to assist.

Hope this sets some of the new guys in the right direction, good luck and enjoy your stay at 8Wayrun.com!