Best workout routine for different body types discussion

Which body type best describes you?

  • Ectomorph

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Mesomorph

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Endomorph

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


[12] Conqueror
To those who are into work-outs, I thought it maybe nice to start off with 3 different body types that will affect the way you work out.

Here are 3 body types in a generalized point form.

  • In physical essence, they are thin-built with small bone structure.
    • Middle finger and thumb overlap each other when wrapped around the wrist.
  • Don't gain fat very easily and doesn't take a lot of workout to lose weight either.
  • In physical essence, they are medium built with medium bone structure.
    • Middle finger and thumb should touch each other when wrapped around the wrist.
  • In a nutshell, a balance in all aspects between ectomorph and endomorph.
  • In physical essence, they are round shape, thick-built, with large bone structure.
    • Middle finger and thumb don't touch each other when wrapped along the wrist.
  • Gain fat very easily and have to work out harder than mesomorph and ectomorph.
So basically that's my understanding of the 3 body types. I found out that I'm an endomorph; I am following this workout regiment which I take 2 days in a week for 1 hour each day.

Here is my work out regiment:
  1. Cardio 15-30 mins
  2. Warm Up Stretches Dynamic/Active Loosening 5 mins
  3. Full Body KB Swing or Squat & Row 2 x 10-15
  4. Legs Lunges 2 x 10 each
  5. Legs Leg Press or Squats 2 x 10-15 45
  6. Chest Chest Press 2 x 10-15 10
  7. Back Seated Row 2 x 10-15 55
  8. Triceps Cable Tricep Extension 2 x 10-15 20
  9. Biceps DB Bicep Curl 2 x 10-15 7.5
  10. Deltoids DB Lateral Raise 2 x 10-15 7.5
  11. Core Plank 30-45 seconds
  12. Core Bicycle Kicks + Twists 2 x 20
  13. Cool Down Static Stretching 15-30 seconds
What I hope this conversation will lead to is one or more of the following:
  • Your recommendation and best practices for these 3 body types.
  • More detail description about the 3 body types.
  • Your own work-out regiment that you follow and why you think it is good for you.
  • Productive debates on what people did right and wrong in their workout routine and that includes discussion in here that you agree and disagree with as well as modification on people's workout routine such as mine.
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Also why is Necromorph not an option?

Ok, on topic:

I'm mesomorph according to your categories.
And a lazy one at that:

The list of Fleshmasher:

1-2x per week (there's also work and hobbies)
Stepper for 10 minutes (warmup)
Chest incline 3x15
Vertical traction 3x15
Pulley 3x20 on a Balance Board
More Balance training (gymnastic-ish, and one on a device called Torturomed , er i mean Posturomed)

I do this in continuation of my Rehab after an injury.
Wasn't into sports before.
Like it.
Listening to Metal helps.

Reading yours i guess i need more stretching.
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Hey FleshMesher, does your stepper machine have a sensor bar that reads your heart rate? According to my trainer, at a certain age you're heart is suppose to beat at the appropriate rate.

For me at the age of 33, my heart is suppose to beat around 140 bpm. There's a way to calculate your supposed heart beat based on your age but I forgot the formula (you're gonna have to Google search on that one). But from what I can tell, your heart beats under the recommended beats-per-minute you aren't working hard enough; if you are over, then you're over-killing your self; you need to find a good middle ground and adjust the resistance level during work out to match the recommended bpm.
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So I've talked to my trainer about the 3 different body types and from what he told me, we're not really 100% ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph, but more of a mix of those 3 or 2 of the 3. However, I do believe that I'm more of an endomorph.

So about the wrist measurement. While my finger and middle finger don't touch each other I also share other traits that aren't endomorphic features. One other example that I have not gave in my first introductory post is that the length between my shoulders are longer than my hips, I believe that's more of a mesomorph feature.

In a nutshell, identifying the 3 body types is not as black and white as it seems from what I understood from my trainer; you can have a certain percentage of this and that.
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