Calling All WoW Players


Get your eSports on!
Im getting a guild together to push for the first US server based Arithas kill. The guild is Alliance based and there are limited spots open for core raiders. I wasnt into this before but I recently befriended a member of SKGaming and hes looking to break away from them and make the US first kills instead of on euro servers with nihilim and curse and other competative guilds.

What makes you so special that I cant do this on my server? I would ask that question if someone made me this proposition so I figured I would get it out of the way. That member from SK is our raid leader and will be one of 2 raid leaders with experience in beta testing the boss fights and doing progression on them on a US based server. Thats right the only competition that really exists is D&T for US based servers.

This is going to be a 3-4 month commitment from when WOTLK comes out until we down arithas and after that I could care less because Im taking a few months off myself. Anyone interested can PM me and feel free to ask any questions in this thread
I never played WC3 so I have no idea how you spell the dudes name... all I know is hes the last raid boss on the initial release raid content.
It might be good to post the server you're starting on - it'll weed out a few of the prospective raiders right off the bat. If it's a PvP server, PvE people can't roll on it. If it's a PvE server, some PvP people might not want to give up the opportunity to gank the other faction.

And I think this might be better placed in the Video Games Discussion forum.
Server is Zuluhed (PvP) and you can roll a lowbie toon there and contact Lain, Bibulus, Cubanb or Sarlissa and inquire about more details and we can hook you up with vent info so you can voice your questions