Humans Need Not Apply: The Automation of Labor and Creativity


[14] Master
Many people feel uncomfortable discussing this topic, largely because of cognitive dissonance (and probably also because of all the skynet crap we've been fed by movies and video games), but I think that it's an important discussion to have. I've been planning on making this thread for a while, and now that the Internet's hero CGP Grey decided to make a video about it, I thought it was the perfect time to introduce the topic.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, watch the following video. Please do not respond until you have seen the whole video, as the point of this thread is to discuss specific points made in the video.

I don't want to dig too deep into this until I see what the overall reaction of the community is, but I would like to get the ball rolling with the following: We've all seen computers compose music and learn how to play video games one their own, but did you know that a program being developed to teach computers how to make video games?

To That Sect: A primitive video game created entirely by an AI

Games by Angelina: The official website of the game-making AI that created the game above

I'd love to hear from people like @Signia or @Lasercakes who probably know about this stuff, but I encourage everyone to share their thoughts on the matter.
Too lazy to watch the video, but really a lot of seemingly creative endeavors are actually more about applying a formula and as such, they aren't really being co-opted as much as you may think.
Many people feel uncomfortable discussing this topic, largely because of cognitive dissonance (and probably also because of all the skynet crap we've been fed by movies and video games), but I think that it's an important discussion to have. I've been planning on making this thread for a while, and now that the Internet's hero CGP Grey decided to make a video about it, I thought it was the perfect time to introduce the topic.

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, watch the following video. Please do not respond until you have seen the whole video, as the point of this thread is to discuss specific points made in the video.

I don't want to dig too deep into this until I see what the overall reaction of the community is, but I would like to get the ball rolling with the following: We've all seen computers compose music and learn how to play video games one their own, but did you know that a program being developed to teach computers how to make video games?

To That Sect: A primitive video game created entirely by an AI

Games by Angelina: The official website of the game-making AI that created the game above

I'd love to hear from people like @Signia or @Lasercakes who probably know about this stuff, but I encourage everyone to share their thoughts on the matter.

I didn't see all of the video. But I actually disagree with the parts I did. Since when I see the role of technology. It never actually decreases the amount of labor or work. Nor will it decrease the amount of thinking or effort. In many cases it actually increases it. Lets take a look at Subway for example. They have the mega fast toaster ovens, the fridge specifically built for all the sandwich toppings. The register system is built to be fast and efficient. What happens when there is more efficiency, there are less employees. Normally 2 people work at Subway but they end up busting their balls. Since technology does make their job more efficient. But because it does, they hire less employees making the job pretty ass.

A calculator for example expanded calculations people could do. Rather than making their job easier, in some respects it made it harder since they had more to be responsible for.

Cell phones make communication easier, but by making communication easier. Now some jobs require us to always have our phone on and to be contacted at any hour.

I assume when self automated cars are made. A truckers job might be 24/7 sadly. Since they can sleep while having it drive.
You ever watch Tim Burton's version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Charlie's father loses his job at the factory putting caps on tubes of toothpaste because a machine was built that could do that job by itself. By the end of the film he's employed again, maintaining the machine that lost him the job in the first place.

Employment isn't going anywhere, the only people complaining about the forward march of technology are those not willing to keep up.