Introduction / Hello

Phil O

[05] Battler
Hello All

I've been a member of this site for about a 2-weeks now. I just realised I should probably introduce myself to everyone.

I've been playing Soul games off and on ever since Soul Edge. I was just playing casually; I was never really aware of the communities that exist for fighting games until I started watching all the youtube videos of SF4 tournaments. This inspired me to start trying to learn SC properly.

I would say I'm pretty terrible at the moment, but daily practice is slowly improving my game. I'm going to my first tournament in London next month.

I work in South East, UK, for local government. It's a shitty job, but it pays the bills. I'm a 33 year old amputee (left leg) who loves playing fighting games in my free time.

I like playing various games, but SC5 and SF4 are my main ones.

I'm here to try and prove that an old dog can learn new tricks.
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Welcome to the site!

If you have any concerns or questions don't hesitate to PM me or another mod :)
Hello All

I've been a member of this site for about a 2-weeks now. I just realised I should probably introduce myself to everyone.

I've been playing Soul games off and on ever since Soul Edge. I was just playing casually; I was never really aware of the communities that exist for fighting games until I started watching all the youtube videos of SF4 tournaments. This inspired me to start trying to learn SC properly.

I would say I'm pretty terrible at the moment, but daily practice is slowly improving my game. I'm going to my first tournament in London next month.

I work in South East, UK, for local government. It's a shitty job, but it pays the bills. I'm a 33 year old amputee (left leg) who loves playing fighting games in my free time.

I like playing various games, but SC5 and SF4 are my main ones.

I'm here to try and prove that an old dog can learn new tricks.

Hallo! SC games are the best fighting games out there for sure!

Don't worry if you're not that good at the moment. You will get better soon with training and discussing with all the skilled players on this site!