Isha boy, KilBils.


[01] Neophyte
Finally decided to make an official account. Been playing soulcalibur ever since I was a kid on my old xbox and in the arcades at the bowling alley. Picked up SC2 On the 360 and eventually moved to SCV under the alias of Daxx Slayer which was changed shortly after to Rogue Caterpie, some might know me from there on here.

Put thousands of hours into SCV and never got to truly play in a legitimate competitive scene and will be saving up to travel to many events to play SC6 with everyone that I assume will be from here. I main Yoshi, and if Zasalamel is going to be back in SC6 you bet your ass I'm gonna have a pocket zas. Either way, I'll be looking forward to getting further in the community moreso than I've already been unofficially in for, for about 5 years.

Hope to see yall on the stage of history.
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