Joined Long Ago and Never Introduced Myself


[12] Conqueror
Sup, 8WayRunners!!! I'm Talisman! I've been here since Feb. '11, but I never made a newcomer thread, heh sorry. I hope to find people here in California who hosts tournaments. I am suppose to be moving to a new area in CA this summer, but I do not know where yet.

I've been playing SC since DC until one of my moms-friends-kids went and touched my damn lens in the DC and I couldn't play it anymore... then I lost the disc while moving. Talk about depression when you're 9 yrs old. I own SC 2 (GC) ,3,4 (PS3), and Legends (Screw you, that game was awesome). Hopefully, soon, I will buy another DC to play SC and buy Soul Blade as well!!!

Yeah, so here are so things about me.

-I'm 16
-I live in California
-Soul Calibur is my favorite videogame series!!!
-Fun is where it's at and i'm very fun to be around (Read Sig. for more info.)
-I love videogames
-:sc2tal2:,:sc2nm1:,:sc2yos2:, new addition :sc4hil1:, and maybe :sc2liz3:.