Might be getting a PS4


[03] Disciple
Well i'll be getting a very significant amount of money next month or so, i've been thinking about getting a PS4 & PS Plus i'm aware that PS4 doesn't have that many games so far. Since i'm considering to just get one to avoid having to worry about getting it later but at the same time there are a bunch of PS3 game i still want to get but i'm having trouble deciding what to do so i need some help with this.
I would stay away from it until they actually get some games and get the price reduced a bit. Right now both NG consoles have nothing to offer. Why spend your money on a paperweight now for a higher cost when you could just wait a bit and enjoy it with more games as well as a lower cost and lower chance your console will have bugs.
I doubt that the PS4 will come down in price any time soon. It's still selling out with 5 million+ already sold.

Since I got one at launch, it has been light in software I care about. Infamous is just about ready to appear. Basically comes down to what you want to play and when.
I doubt that the PS4 will come down in price any time soon. It's still selling out with 5 million+ already sold.

Since I got one at launch, it has been light in software I care about. Infamous is just about ready to appear. Basically comes down to what you want to play and when.

If i do get one now i was gonna get FFXIV for it while waiting for FFXV & KH3. But i am kinda scared of the whole "Blinking Blue light of death, etc" (those poor bastards)
Well the question when it comes to budgeting will always be "opportunity cost". But I look it as a psychological thing as well - If you get a PS4 (or XB1 for that matter) right now, you are simply establishing a platform that'll you have ready to go when the games become available. Psychologically it just makes it that much more easier later to consider buying a new PS4 game when it releases because you already own the console, it's simply an afterthought. Whereas if you don't buy one now, then there's the hurdle of having to put up a wad of cash for the system + the game you want later granted you are discipline enough to save the money you have now set aside for it and don't spend it on other things. I look at it as a matter of convenience, the way I see it you'll probably end up spending that cash, fritter it away one way or another (unless you decide to invest and get a return on it), so I would just buy the system and just call it done.