Need help with connection - dropping fights.


[09] Warrior
Alright ppl, I need some help here.
You might have noticed me complaining about my old slow, laggy and unreliable connection. Well, I now have a new connection from a new ISP, and it is glorious. Nice speeds, low lag and reliable. But of course, there had to be some kind of a problem. And that is - it drops every fu*king fight in SCV after some time. There isn't even almost any lag, but it just disconnects, even if I have 5 goddamn bars. The problem here is, I know pretty much nothing about this stuff. I tried setting a custom DNS, which helped me with my old connection, but doesn't fix my current problem. Wifi and Ethernet make no difference, my modem is like 2 meters away and Ethernet doesn't fix this. I went to ask about this at my ISP, they checked and said there were no lost data packets. So, if anybody can help me on this please do. If you'll need any kind of information, I'll try to provide.
what region of players are you fighting?
have you tried resetting the modem?
are you sure your Ethernet cable is properly connected and not low-key fucked?
I'm pretty sure I fought someone from every fegion, of course I tried resetting my modem, and I'm usung wifi now, because well my modem is like 2 meters away.
Wi-Fi is a big no-no, even if you're 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001 mm away from your modem. try a different Ethernet cable, or invest in powerline adapters