New Member from Germany


[01] Neophyte
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself ! I am Daniel from Germany and I am quite late to this party because at first I refused to buy the 5th game because I was pissed about some changes and the missing veterans.
I am a Tekken player but Sc was my secondary until the 4th entry. After that i was just playing Tekken (Nina/Yoshi/Jack/Julia). Would be nice to meet new people here and maybe some guys from europe to play some games sometimes ( but I can only play on weekends because i am studying atm and living at my school with a bad wireless ethernet connection).

Have a nice day !
would be a good idea to leave your PSN or Gamertag behind...unfortunately you have come at a bad time as the EU scene is dwindling+ and the German scene itself is actually dead, especially that their one and only major is no longer active.

That said there are few that do play SC online but I'm unable to gauge which players to list due to not knowing what console you're on...

other than that welcome to the site
Haha i know.. germany in general doesn't have a big fighting community so i am already used to it. But after i finished my studies i will move to america to a friend so it won't be a problem anymore i hope.
My gamertags on PSN are : XxVile616xX and XxPlaneCrashxX

thank you !
aha fair enough, US scene is much better...altho SCV is still kinda side-tournament status. whereabouts are you planning on staying?
Hi XxMegamixX. Here is another veteran player from germany. If you are interested in meeting other german SC-player, look no further than here:

Not much going on these days but there will be another tournament in late summer in the south of Berlin/Wriezen.