
[05] Battler
Hello everyone, my name is Kino and I'm new to the site, and I just wanted to share a few things about myself.

I've been playing SC since the classic Soul Edge, and ever since then I've been hooked. However some where along the way I stopped playing, but in January 2015 I came across Evo 2013 SCV tournament on youtube and been rocking since.

I know I'm late to the party and now playing catch up so to speak, but I finally leveled up to A1 rank status (not that rank means anything but I've just being putting countless time in rank and practice).

I am here to learn and absorb as much as possible. I am a Yoshimitsu main and I would love to run some mirror matches with any other yoshi's out there, in addition I must say the main reason why I mained him was, because of Lolo. ( So Lolo if you read this let's run a few bro)

Last thing, I just want to have fun, because this is the only game I play right now and is the best way for me to release stress from my hectic daily routine. Thanks again for having me, see you online.
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Hmm a Yoshi user huh? Pocky Yoshi is riled up to go sometime later on. PSN? 360 I don't play on because too lazy to renew live.