New player here


Gloomy Tira

I'm still pretty new to the Soul series. I've been playing SCIV for a little while and just started playing SCV!

I tried SCIV some years ago and was very fascinated with Tira and how her personalities. I've just lately started playing Maxi in SCIV (he might be my new crush). As a newbie, I also favor Pyrrha and Patroklos.

Another thing I love about SC are the characters and the lore. The world is also quite stunning.

Hopefully I will learn a lot of new stuff on the forum, and I hope I can become a part of the SC community!
welcome to 8WR, hopefully your stay will be a pleasant one. Feel free to ask any questions
Hello and thanks!

I'm on psn, but I've been wondering if xbl is more preferrable? All I can think of is how the controllers for each platform are different. I personally prefer the Xbox controller, but I've only tried playing on PS3.