Newby incoming ...


[03] Disciple
Hey fellow SoulMates,

I'm quite new to SoulCalibur and it has been quite frustrating. That's why I was searching the internet for tips and finally landed here.

How I came to SoulCalibur?
Actually I'm a SSB veteran (since N64) but switched to PS for several reasons. The most obvious is Nintendo itself. After a while I realised I missed something and need a new alternative beat'em up. That's when I remembered SoulCalibur II from GameCube.
I do like the gameplay but having trouble thinking in combos since SSB is much more simpler (2 actions in 4 direction). Also I still have to get used to working online features just :p

That's when I thought a community could help to keep going, so here I am.

I will grub around these threads the next few days to look for tips or maybe somebody can point out a few cherry picks, much appreciated. Or maybe someone made the same experience I have, meaning switching to a real beat'em up ;p

For now the most frustrating thing is Harada TEKKEN buy I think I will find or create a dedicated thread to comment my frustration about that guy. (Current matchup: 0:69)

Thank you all very much looking forward to getting to know you better.
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hail and well met young warrior! welcome to 8WR where all your Soul Calibur needs are met with moderate satisfaction or utter can go either way.

you can visit the sites Discord server which can be accessed via clicking on the "chat" tab at the top of the screen...alternatively or you can click this link where you can chat with new players and veterans of all ages and get tips in real time; don't be shy for there's no such thing as a dumb question and we are all eager to help.

so how can we help you, good sir!
Welcome aboard dude. If you are on XBL or PSN, don't forget to add your username next to your 8WR account if you wish for people to know which console you're mostly on. Have a nice day.
hail and well met young warrior! welcome to 8WR where all your Soul Calibur needs are met with moderate satisfaction or utter can go either way.

you can visit the sites Discord server which can be accessed via clicking on the "chat" tab at the top of the screen...alternatively or you can click this link where you can chat with new players and veterans of all ages and get tips in real time; don't be shy for there's no such thing as a dumb question and we are all eager to help.

so how can we help you, good sir!
So we shall meet again at Discord.

Welcome aboard dude. If you are on XBL or PSN, don't forget to add your username next to your 8WR account if you wish for people to know which console you're mostly on. Have a nice day.
Thank you, thats a good hint, just added my PSN username.