Old to the game, new to the site.


[01] Neophyte
Hey there everyone. I've been playing SC since II, but I've never gotten into the competitive scene. Nor have I really felt like I was good enough to step into those grounds. But, now with the announcement of V I feel I'm ready to knuckle down and mainstream this game. With that being said I hope to meet lots of good people on here and advance in this game.

GT: TNS Grasshopper
welcome michael. Think Ive seen you round XBL before. Could be mistaken. At any rate hope you enjoy your stay.

So where you from? there might be a good local scene for you where ur at.
also who you maining?

Feel free to hit me up with any questions comments or concerns. Other than that, looking forward to seeing you progress

BTW my gamer tag on XBL is Hot Rod Dave. You ever wanna get some rounds in hit me up. And ill show you why online<offline

I'm from monroeville, Pennsylvania. The character I trying to main right now is Talim. Though I do play Sophitia pretty frequently as well.
We share the same name, it seems. Welcome to 8wayrun! If you want to get in some online casuals hit me up. GT is Aza SG.
oh man. You are in a great area. Im not sure how far monroeville is from philly, but these guys in this thread here: http://8wayrun.com/threads/philadelphia-pa-we-talkin-bout-practice.5038/page-97 is a very active and very strong group of guys to play with. Including Malice who is like #2 man here at 8wr. Im insainly jealous you bastard!! LOL

Pop in that thread. Introduce yourself. Malice and them are really really nice people and always looking for new players to come aboard.
