Quick PS3 and SC related question


[09] Warrior
Okay well my PS3 has decided to turn against me. I got a message saying the harddisk needs to be rebuilt and then it said that rebuilding just wouldn't do...and that I must reformat the harddrive sooo....

I'm wondering if I can copy my SC data onto my PSP and then retransfer it back onto the thing after reformatting? I'm moreso concerned about compatibility than anything else stored on my disk. Has anybody else had their harddrive crash? Main question is; does it save your username?
The save file for SC4 is grandfathered to your PSN account, not the system itself... people have already tested this. So yes, you can format freely.
Even if it was grandfathered to the system, you would be fine. Formatting the hard drive... you're still using the same system.