SC5 PSN Lost connection after 1 round


[03] Disciple

Started with Soul Calibur 5 on PSN today and already having troubles. After some online matches (and these took long and were kinda hard to find) I had almost half of them disconnect on me after the first round (game halts... it states "communicating" for a while and then "connection to opponent lost" and then it goes back to the lobby). Matches were 3 and 4 bars, but usually most of them get shown as 4 bars connection at first and after some time they even drop to 1, but the connection is actually playable. I know the players were not disconnecting on their own since its most of the time me that is losing (people often accuse me of rage-quitting for it).
Does anybody here have some similar issues or does anybody know how to fix it? Reading around the net I found it to be rather random. I already did open all ports on my router for the PS3, contacted my ISP but these guys are completely clueless and incompetent. Its a wired connection btw.
Other games like SC4, SFxT, SSF4 work completely fine, but I had almost the same problems with Tekken 6.
Does anybody here have some advanced knowledge about these kind of things? Would somebody perhaps be willing to arrange some short games just for me to see how it works, because it really hard and annoying to find someone to play with since they all think I'm quitting on purpose or have a worse connection than it actually is? I'm from Europe, and it would be preferable to be the same region.

EDIT: hm, no one...? Found out that isn't just after the first round, it's just random. And its not related to how good the connections actually are... I managed to get to play someone with 5 bars and almost no lag at all and it still dropped out ever now and then. Also met some guys with the same issues. Some player with about 1000 matches even confirmed that the game is rather sensitive with connections.
Guess I have to pass on this one... pity because I was looking forward to learning the game. Right now its not playable at all. My 2 bits worth would be that something with Namcos netcode since T6 isn't compatible with some networks.
I have always had problems similar to this.

I think it may be because Namco use a different type of Netcode. than other companies such as Capcom. I find that it also lies about the connection status, such as four or five bars lagging to hell and zero bars being the best connection in the world.
Yeah, definitely seems so. The more I played the more I found people with same issues, and they were from different countries. For shame because the singleplayer is really lacking content and I don't have anyone to play local 2P with... They gave online a lot of nice features (chat being one that I really found good) that it really is a waste. As far as lag goes I couldn't complain too much, its just that nasty disconnection thing that ruins everything for me. Guess I'll be heading back to SC4 lol.
I've heard TTT2's online is based on SC5 netcode... considering that the game requires a onlinepass I'm not sure if I should ever spend that money...