So how was Warhammer Online PW?


[01] Neophyte
Any of you guys played it here on this forum? I played it and had a blast, although for a beta it seemed to have a little too many bugs. As a player that perfers healing classes I wasn't disappointed by the Zealot class. Although in its current state I find All Order healing classes to be OP at this time.

Not only that Public quests need alot of work. I mean if I placed second and scored
36th on a roll on 60 people something is wrong there. I mean come on I placed second I should gets omething by default. At least you get influence points ya know?
For what I saw during the beta where I played, it had a few good ideas, like those zone quests, but the game itself required much work. I played WoW from one of the first betas, and WoW felt a lot more complete/fun/etc. than Warhammer at the similar stage.
I've been in beta for a little while and I really like the game.

I like PvP in MMOs but I hate PvE (snore). That's the best part about Warhammer. You can level a character fairly quickly without doing ANY PvE.

I've enjoyed all the archetypes in PvP and I'd say the overall balance is pretty good. Especially for a beta. I should clarify that when I say balanced I mean that each career brings something important to the group. 1v1 is not, nor is it intended to be balanced.